研究業績 Achievements

2024 Article

  1. Interaction of γ-polyglutamic acid/polyethyleneimine/plasmid DNA ternary complexes with serum components plays a crucial role in transfection in mice, Tomotaka Ko, Shintaro Fumoto, Tomoaki Kurosaki, Moe Nakashima, Hirotaka Miyamoto, Hitoshi Sasaki, Koyo Nishida, Pharmaceutics, 16, 522, 2024
  2. One-step formation method of plasmid DNA-loaded extracellular vesicles-mimicking lipid nanoparticles based on nucleic acids dilution-induced assembly, Kazuya Okami, Shintaro Fumoto, Mana Yamashita, Moe Nakashima, Hirotaka Miyamoto, Shigeru Kawakami, Koyo Nishida, Cells, 13, 1183, 2024
  3. Miyamoto H: Optimization of drug administration in special populations focusing on drug distribution, YAKUGAKU ZASSHI, Accepted (2024)
  4. Toshiaki Sakamoto, Hirotaka Miyamoto, Junya Hashizume, Hayato Akamatsu, Tomoaki Akagi, Yukinobu Kodama, Hirofumi Hamano, Yoshito Zamami, Kaname Ohyama: Differences in the adverse event profiles of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors used in patients with diabetes and heart failure: an analysis using the Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report database, Clinical Drug Investigation, Accepted (2024)
  5. Tomoaki Akagi, Hirofumi Hamano, Hirotaka Miyamoto, Tatsuaki Takeda, Yoshito Zamami, Kaname Ohyama: Evaluating the Impact of Loperamide on Irinotecan-Induced Adverse Events: A Disproportionality Analysis of Data from the World Health Organization Pharmacovigilance Database (VigiBase), European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Accepted (2024)
  6. Change in Vancomycin Absorption after Intraperitoneal Injection and Correlation between Intraperitoneal Vancomycin Absorption and Peritoneal Equilibration Test Score in Mice with Peritoneal Injuries, Akihiro Moritsuka, Hirotaka Miyamoto, Yukina Takahashi, Haruna Hirata, Yuki Kawauchi, Shintaro Fumoto, and Koyo Nishida, Biol Pharm Bull, accepted 2024

2023 Article

  1. Letrozole ameliorates liver fibrosis through the inhibition of the CTGF pathway and 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 13 expression. Sakai N, Kamimura K, Miyamoto H, Ko M, Nagoya T, Setsu T, Sakamaki A, Yokoo T, Kamimura H, Soki H, Tokunaga A, Inamine T, Nakashima M, Enomoto H, Kousaka K, Tachiki H, Ohyama K, Terai S. J Gastroenterol. 2023 Jan;58(1):53-68. doi: 10.1007/s00535-022-01929-w. Epub 2022 Oct 27. PMID: 36301364
  2. Development of an apolipoprotein E mimetic peptide-lipid conjugate for efficient brain delivery of liposomes. Kato N, Yamada S, Suzuki R, Iida Y, Matsumoto M, Fumoto S, Arima H, Mukai H, Kawakami S. Drug Deliv. 2023 Dec;30(1):2173333. doi: 10.1080/10717544.2023.2173333. PMID: 36718920
  3. Development of a Two-Layered Sheet Formulation of 5-Fluorouracil for Application to Rat's Livers to Ensure Controlled Release and Local Drug Disposition. Akagi T, Kariya Y, Hamasaki H, Sakaguchi M, Miyamoto H, Fumoto S, Nishida K. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). 2023;71(4):277-281. doi: 10.1248/cpb.c22-00775. PMID: 37005252
  4. Diffusion coefficient of cationic liposomes during lipoplex formation determines transfection efficiency in HepG2 cells, Die Hu, Shintaro Fumoto, Naoki Yoshikawa, Jianqing Peng, Hirotaka Miyamoto, Masakazu Tanaka and Koyo Nishida, Int J Pharm 2023
  5. Mugen Teshima,Junpei Takeshima, Koyo Nishida, Hitomi Sakamoto, Ritsuko Yoshihara, Sachiko Matsumoto, Junji Iwashita, Ryuzo Sakakibara, Nobuou Matsuzaka, Yoshimasa Hoshino, Mikiro Nakashima: がん医療・緩和ケアの多職種協働実践を担う人材育成に期待される学生教育のあり方ー在宅医療・福祉コンソーシアム長崎での調査結果による考察ー(Ideal methods for student interprofessional education expected to develop professional human resources who will be responsible for interprofessional work in cancer medical care and palliative care-Considerations based on the survey results of the Consortium for Home Health Care in Nagasaki-), 在宅薬学, 10(1): 25-40 (2023) 邦文 https://doi.org/10.32228/jjcmps.2023.0034

2022 Article

  1. Flavonoids Enhance Lipofection Efficiency and Ameliorate Cytotoxicity in Colon26 and HepG2 Cells via Oxidative Stress Regulation, Die Hu, Shintaro Fumoto, Hirotaka Miyamoto, Masakazu Tanaka, Koyo Nishida, Pharmaceutics 2022, 14(6), 1203; https://doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics14061203
  2. Immune complexome analysis of a rich variety of serum immune complexes identifies disease-characteristic immune complex antigens in systemic sclerosis. Kutsuna YJ, Iwamoto N, Ichinose K, Aibara N, Nakashima K, Nakamura H, Koike Y, Murota H, Ueki Y, Miyamoto H, Hashizume J, Kodama Y, Nakashima M, Kawakami A, Ohyama K. J Autoimmun. 2022 Nov 24;134:102954. doi: 10.1016/j.jaut.2022.102954. Online ahead of print. PMID: 36436353

2021 Article

  1. In Vivo Fate of Nucleic Acid and Gene Medicines for the Rational Design of Drugs, S Fumoto, T Yamamoto, K Okami, Yuina Maemura, C Terada, A Yamayoshi, K Nishida, Pharmaceutics. 2021 Jan 26;13(2):159. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics13020159.
  2. Suppression of Peritoneal Fibrosis by Sonoporation of Hepatocyte Growth Factor Gene-Encoding Plasmid DNA in Mice, Koyo Nishimura, Koki Ogawa, Maho Kawaguchi, Shintaro Fumoto, Hidefumi Mukai, Shigeru Kawakami, Pharmaceutics. 2021 Jan 18;13(1):115. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics13010115.
  3. Evaluation of transgene expression characteristics and DNA vaccination against melanoma metastasis of an intravenously injected ternary complex with biodegradable dendrigraft poly-L-lysine in mice. Kodama Y, Tokunaga A, Hashizume J, Nakagawa H, Harasawa H, Kurosaki T, Nakamura T, Nishida K, Nakashima M, Hashida M, Kawakami S, Sasaki H. Drug Deliv. 2021 Dec;28(1):542-549.
  4. Editorials: Recent Advances in Lipid-Based Drug Delivery., Nishida K. Pharmaceutics. 2021 Jun 22;13(7):926. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics13070926. PMID: 34206548
  5. Matsuo, K.; Kuriyama, M.; Yamamoto, K.; Demizu, Y.; Nishida, K.; Onomura, O., Nickel-Catalyzed Hydrodeoxygenation of Aryl Sulfamates with Alcohols as Mild Reducing Agents, Synthesis 2021, 53, 4449-4460. (DOI: 10.1055/a-1548-8362)

2020 Article

  1. Evaluation of mRNA expression of drug-metabolizing enzymes in acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity using a three-dimensional hepatocyte culture system, Mariko Taniguchi, Hirotaka Miyamoto, Ayako Tokunaga, Shintaro Fumoto, Takashi Tanaka, Koyo Nishida, Xenobiotica 2020 Jun;50(6):654-662 DOI: 10.1080/00498254.2019.1683258 PMID: 31631733
  2. Influence of liver intoxication by carbon tetrachloride or D-galactosamine on absorption of fluorescein isothiocyanate-dextran-10 and other marker compounds with different molecular weights from the rat liver surface, Hirotaka Miyamoto, Kayoko Tsuda, Tomonori Honda, Ayako Tokunaga, Shintaro Fumoto, Koyo Nishida, Biol Pharm Bull, 43(2):319-324 (2020) doi: 10.1248/bpb.b19-00686 PMID: 32009118
  3. Oyama N, Takahashi H, Kawaguchi M, Miyamoto H, Nishida K, Tsurumaru M, Nakashima M, Yamashita F, Hashida M, Kawakami S. Effects of Tissue Pressure on Transgene Expression Characteristics via Renal Local Administration Routes from Ureter or Renal Artery in the Rat Kidney. Pharmaceutics. 2020 Feb 1;12(2). pii: E114. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12020114. PubMed PMID: 32024046
  4. Oxidation of the Oak Ellagitannin, Vescalagin. Wakamatsu H, Matsuo Y, Omar M, Saito Y, Nishida K, Tanaka T., J Nat Prod. 2020 Feb 28;83(2):413-421. doi: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.9b00917. Epub 2020 Jan 31. PMID:32004001
  5. Yoshikawa N, Fumoto S, Yoshikawa K, Hu D, Okami K, Kato R, Nakashima M, Miyamoto H, Nishida K. Pharmaceutics. 2020 Apr 10;12(4). pii: E341. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12040341. Interaction of Lipoplex with Albumin Enhances Gene Expression in Hepatitis Mice. PMID: 32290201
  6. Foreword: Recent Progress in Drug Delivery System for Cancer Therapy, Nishida K. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). 2020;68(7):559. doi: 10.1248/cpb.c20-ctf6807. PMID: 32611992
  7. Co-delivery Systems of Multiple Drugs Using Nanotechnology for Future Cancer Therapy. Fumoto S, Nishida K. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). 2020;68(7):603-612. doi: 10.1248/cpb.c20-00008. PMID: 32611997
  8. Effect of Chronic Kidney Disease on Hepatic Clearance of Drugs in Rats. Tokunaga A, Miyamoto H, Fumoto S, Nishida K. Biol Pharm Bull. 2020;43(9):1324-1330. doi: 10.1248/bpb.b20-00124. PMID: 32879206
  9. A pH-adjustable tissue clearing solution that preserves lipid ultrastructures: Suitable tissue clearing method for DDS evaluation, S Fumoto, E Kinoshita, K Ohta, K Nakamura, T Hirayama, H Nagasawa, D Hu, K Okami, R Kato, S Shimokawa, N Ohira, K Nishimura, H Miyamoto, T Tanaka, S Kawakami, K Nishida, Pharmaceutics. 2020 Nov 9;12(11):E1070. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12111070.
  10. Tissue suction-mediated gene transfer to the beating heart in mice. Taniguchi Y, Oyama N, Fumoto S, Kinoshita H, Yamashita F, Shimizu K, Hashida M, Kawakami S. PLoS One. 2020 Feb 6;15(2):e0228203. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0228203. eCollection 2020. PMID: 32027678

2019 Article

  1. Era M, Matsuo Y, Saito Y, Nishida K, Jiang ZH, Tanaka T. Ellagitannins and Related Compounds from Penthorum chinense. J Nat Prod. 2019 Jan 25;82(1):129-135. doi: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.8b00838. Epub 2018 Dec 21. PubMed PMID: 30576141. IF: 4.257
  2. Matsumoto, Y., Yamamoto, K., Kuriyama, M., Nishida, K., Onomura, O. Regioselective Addition of Quinoline Derivatives to Carbonyl Compounds via Palladium-Catalyzed Umpolung with Diethylzinc. Synthesis (Germany) 51(8), ss-2018-f0736-op, pp. 1795-1802, 2019 IF: 2.867
  3. Ogawa K, Fuchigami Y, Hagimori M, Fumoto S, Maruyama K, Kawakami S. Ultrasound-responsive nanobubble-mediated gene transfection in the cerebroventricular region by intracerebroventricular administration in mice. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 2019 Apr;137:1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2019.02.003. Epub 2019 Feb 7. PubMed PMID: 30738859. IF: 4.708
  4. Peng JQ, Fumoto S, Suga T, Miyamoto H, Kuroda N, Kawakami S, Nishida K. Targeted co-delivery of protein and drug to a tumor in vivo by sophisticated RGD-modified lipid-calcium carbonate nanoparticles. J Control Release. 2019 May 28;302:42-53. doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2019.03.021. Epub 2019 Mar 26. PubMed PMID: 30926479 IF: 7.901
  5. Nishimura K, Yonezawa K, Fumoto S, Miura Y, Hagimori M, Nishida K, Kawakami S. Application of Direct Sonoporation from a Defined Surface Area of the Peritoneum: Evaluation of Transfection Characteristics in Mice. Pharmaceutics. 2019 May 22;11(5). pii: E244. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics11050244. PubMed PMID: 31121989; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6571618. IF: 4.773
  6. Tokunaga A, Miyamoto H, Fumoto S, Nishida K. Effect of renal ischaemia/reperfusion-induced acute kidney injury on pharmacokinetics of midazolam in rats. J Pharm Pharmacol. 2019 Dec;71(12):1792-1799. doi: 10.1111/jphp.13167. PubMed PMID: 31579949 IF: 2.390
  7. Kinoshita E, Fumoto S, Hori Y, Yoshikawa N, Miyamoto H, Sasaki H, Nakamura J, Tanaka T, Nishida K. Monitoring method for transgene expression in target tissue by blood sampling. Biotechnol Rep (Amst). 2019 Nov 15;24:e00401. doi:10.1016/j.btre.2019.e00401. eCollection 2019 Dec. PubMed PMID: 31788440 PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6880019.
  8. Wakamatsu H, Tanaka S, Matsuo Y, Saito Y, Nishida K, Tanaka T. Reductive Metabolism of Ellagitannins in the Young Leaves of Castanopsis sieboldii. Molecules. 2019 Nov 24;24(23). pii: E4279. doi: 10.3390/molecules24234279. PubMed PMID: 31771266; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6930603. IF: 2.867

2018 Article

  1. Kodama Y, Nishigaki W, Nakamura T, Fumoto S, Nishida K, Kurosaki T, Nakagawa H, Kitahara T, Muro T, Sasaki H, Splenic Delivery System of pDNA through Complexes Electrostatically Constructed with Protamine and Chondroitin Sulfate, Biol Pharm Bull. 41(3): 342-349, 2018 (IF: 1.694) doi: 10.1248/bpb.b17-00667. PMID:29491211
  2. Kato T, Oba M, Nishida K, Tanaka M, Cell-Penetrating Peptides Using Cyclic α,α-Disubstituted α-Amino Acids with Basic Functional Groups, ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 4(4): 1368-1376, 2018 (IF: 4.432)
  3. Wang S, Fumoto S, Miyamoto H, Tanaka M, Nishida K, Edaravone, a cytoprotective drug, enhances transgene expression mediated by lipoplexes in HepG2 cells and mice, Int J Pharm. 548(1): 173-181, 2018 (IF: 3.862) doi:10.1016/j.ijpharm.2018.06.068. PMID:29969708
  4. Matsumoto Y, Kuriyama M, Yamamoto K, Nishida K, Onomura O, Metal-Free Synthesis of Adipic Acid via Organocatalytic Direct Oxidation of Cyclohexane under Ambient Temperature and Pressure, Org. Process Res. Dev. 22(9): 1312-1317, 2018 (IF: 3.584)
  5. Haraguchi A, Fuchigami Y, Kawaguchi M, Fumoto S, Ohyama K, Shimizu K, Hagimori M, Kawakami S, Determining Transgene Expression Characteristics Using a Suction Device with Multiple Hole Adjusting a Left Lateral Lobe of the Mouse Liver, Biol Pharm Bull. 41(6): 944-950, 2018 (IF: 1.694) doi:10.1248/bpb.b18-00094. PMID:29863083
  6. Ogawa K, Fuchigami Y, Hagimori M, Fumoto S, Miura Y, Kawakami S, Efficient gene transfection to the brain with ultrasound irradiation in mice using stabilized bubble lipopolyplexes prepared by the surface charge regulation method, Int J Nanomedicine 13: 2309-2320, 2018 (IF: 4.370) doi: 10.2147/IJN.S157375. eCollection 2018. PMID:29713163
  7. 西田孝洋: 序論/代謝/薬物速度論, 生物薬剤学(薬学テキストシリーズ), 朝倉書店, 第1 ,5, 7章, p.1-6, 57-85, 115-151 (2018) 邦文 著書
  8. 西田孝洋: ターゲティング/吸収改善, 物理薬剤学・製剤学(薬学テキストシリーズ), 朝倉書店, 第3章3, 4, p.172-187 (2018) 邦文 著書
  9. 麓伸太郎: プロドラッグ, 物理薬剤学・製剤学(薬学テキストシリーズ), 朝倉書店, 第3章5, p.188-197 (2018) 邦文 著書
  10. 西田孝洋: 薬物代謝, 図解薬剤学 改訂6版, 南山堂, 第2編4章, p367-422 (2018) 邦文 著書
  11. Koyo Nishida, Shintaro Fumoto: 臓器表面投与法-消化器疾患に対する新たなDDS(Organ surface application method-new DDS for digestive diseases), Drug Delivery System, 33(5): 270-276 (2018) 邦文 Review https://doi.org/10.2745/dds.33.390