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2. Watanabe H, Ono M, Ikeoka R, Haratake M, Saji H, Nakayama M,
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3. Ono M, Hayashi S, Kimura H, Kawashima H, Nakayama M, Saji H,
Push-pull benzothiazole derivatives as probes for detecting β-amyloid plaques in Alzheimer's brains.
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4. Ono M, Watanabe R, Kawashima H, Cheng Y, Kimura H, Watanabe H, Haratake M, Saji H, Nakayama M,
Fluoro-pegylated chalcones as positron emission tomography probes for in vivo imaging of β-amyloid plaques in Alzheimer’s disease.
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1.中山守雄、原武 衛:プリオン病における感染分子イメージング.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology,Japan.
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