5th Sep Excursion schedule

Only for participants from Taiwan

・AM, School of Pharmaceutical Science Tour

Meet at 9:35 @1F in the School of Pharmaceutical Science building.

9:40-10:25 Medical Plants Garden

10:25-11:00 Dr. Osamu Shimomura Memorial Honoring Museum

11:00-12:00 Laboratory Tour (Cell Regulation →Genome-based Drug Discovery)



・PM, Nagasaki City Tour

Meet at 13:20 @1F in the School of Pharmaceutical Science building.

13:30 Nagasaki University

Atomic Bomb Museum

The Peace Park

Nyoko-do HermitageUrakami ChurchOne-legged Torii Gate(From car)

Nagasaki Tortoise Shell Crafts Museum

Dejima (From car)

Oura CathedralGlover Garden

18:00-20:00 Dinner @Hamakatsu

Accommodation: S Peria Hotel Nagasaki (Faculty), Hotel Siebolt (Students)